How long does soma stay in your system? Soma has a two-hour half-life on average, but for most people, it can range from one to three hours. According to that half-life, it would typically take an individual 11 hours to completely eliminate a dose of Soma from their body.
Category: Drug Half-life

Flexeril has a typical half-life of 18 hours. Accordingly, just over four days after the final dose, Flexeril ought to be completely eliminated from the body. From 8 to 37 hours is the possible half-life range.

For how long does Sudafed stay in your system? Since doses and bodies can differ, the half-life is an approximate range of 5-8 hours. So, after a day, the drug should be gone from your body.

When a sleeping pill is prescribed to you, you should be aware of the half-life. Valium’s half-life can range from 20 to 80 hours, whereas Ambien’s is only three hours.

Diphenhydramine reaches its peak serum levels 2 to 3 hours after oral administration. Diphenhydramine’s elimination half-life can differ depending on the age group.

A single dose of Eliquis has an effect on blood clotting factors within a few hours. Within 24 hours of stopping Eliquis, its effect on clotting starts to fade.

The body absorbs Benadryl quickly. In about 20 to 30 minutes, you’ll probably start to feel the effects. For roughly four to six hours after taking it, the medication should still be effective.