Using saline sprays, neti pots, or nasal irrigation devices to clean out your sinus cavities is sometimes the best course of action. To control your runny nose, you’ll need to irrigate your sinuses at least twice a day.
Category: Common Disease in Elderly

Elderly people who cough often experience problems. You are already more susceptible to insomnia as you get older because your body makes less melatonin.

There are many potential causes of chronic rhinorrhea, which is a persistent or long-term runny nose. The most frequent factor in a perpetual runny nose is allergies.

Watery eyes can occur when yawning pulls on and stimulates the lacrimal glands, which produces tears. In some cases, the eyes may also be dry from fatigue, causing them to tear up.

Our eyes’ tear film, which shields the delicate surface cells, becomes thinner as a result of increased evaporation brought on by cold air.

Dementia feeling cold all the time is a typical symptom, especially as the condition worsens. The brain’s capacity to control temperature is altered by dementia.

When a person mentally and behaviorally regresses, it is called age regression. Some people regress to a younger time period for amusement or to let off steam.

In dementia patients, personality and behavioral changes are frequent. Recognizing the causes of their behavior can aid in preventing it from occurring again.

Actions are unintentional because dementia impairs the capacity to suppress impulses. Do your best to keep in mind that they genuinely do not mean what they say, even though it may be challenging.

As you age, cataracts become more frequent. In fact, more than half of all Americans 80 years of age and older either have cataracts or have undergone cataract surgery to remove them.

How does AFib cause stroke? A type of irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation (AFib) can cause blood to pool and flow more slowly than usual. This may lead to a blood clot, which might result in a stroke.

How prune juice work for constipation? By changing their diet and way of life, a person can frequently treat or prevent constipation. According to research, this may involve consuming prune juice. The most well-liked natural remedies include prune juice.

Adults with the following symptoms should make an appointment with a doctor: persistent diarrhea that lasts longer than two days without getting better; excruciating abdominal or rectal pain; or other circumstances.

How many years is a pneumonia shot good for? It might be a good idea to get a booster shot five years after your initial vaccinations, depending on which ones you had and when.

You can confirm your suspicions using a variety of home EKG monitoring techniques. Pulse check, a stethoscope, a holter monitor, and smartphone heart rhythm apps are a few examples.

There are many ways a person can support their parent in maintaining their sense of security and comfort while continuing to value and enjoy their relationship.

After a patient falls, the nurse should assess the patient right away. The primary healthcare provider of your patient and anyone else you are required to notify by your facility must be informed as part of the second step.

Your post-surgical memory issues will probably go away over time, but you might accelerate that by taking ginkgo biloba, which improves memory by boosting blood flow to the brain.