How does AFib cause stroke? A type of irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation (AFib) can cause blood to pool and flow more slowly than usual. This may lead to a blood clot, which might result in a stroke.
Category: Heart Problem

You can confirm your suspicions using a variety of home EKG monitoring techniques. Pulse check, a stethoscope, a holter monitor, and smartphone heart rhythm apps are a few examples.

The two leading causes of death for AFib patients are heart failure and stroke. However, the overall number of deaths from AFib has decreased as treatment has advanced.

The most prevalent cardiac rhythm abnormality, atrial fibrillation (AF), is a serious disease. which risk rises with age. An older person with AF is at extremely high risk for stroke.

Read the numbers on the right side of the monitor to determine the patient’s blood pressure, temperature, and pulse rate. Pay close attention to the patient’s respiratory condition.

You may be familiar with the dive reflex when confronting cold water. Your body responds by lowering your heart rate when your face is submerged in ice water, which stimulates your vagus nerve.

Heart failure is a long-term condition in which your heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet your body’s needs. Treatment begins with exercise and medication, and may include surgery when heart failure worsens.