About dementia, those four things you must know!
Category: Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia

Why Do Dementia Patients Get Angry at Night? One of the main causes of the patient’s symptoms is Sundowning, a typical dementia symptom that exacerbates confusion and anxiety.

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia wandering. Furthermore, the person is at a high risk of wandering off once they start to exhibit wandering behaviors.

Dementia feeling cold all the time is a typical symptom, especially as the condition worsens. The brain’s capacity to control temperature is altered by dementia.

In dementia patients, personality and behavioral changes are frequent. Recognizing the causes of their behavior can aid in preventing it from occurring again.

Actions are unintentional because dementia impairs the capacity to suppress impulses. Do your best to keep in mind that they genuinely do not mean what they say, even though it may be challenging.

There are many ways a person can support their parent in maintaining their sense of security and comfort while continuing to value and enjoy their relationship.

Lewy body dementia patients have a higher than average risk of respiratory death compared to AD dementia patients, and they frequently pass away from dementia-related complications.

Keep your cool, speak to them in brief, simple sentences, and make sure they are understanding you. Remind them of the situation and give them assurances regarding your well-being.

When your loved one have a Alzheimer, you may want to know how does Alzheimer’s kill you. There could be a number of complications as a result, which could ultimately result in death.

Keep a peaceful attitude at night. To relax the individual, read a book or put on relaxing music. The dementia sufferer may sleep better if their bedroom is at a comfortable temperature.

People who are suffering from dementia may have immune systems that are less robust. Infection-related pneumonia is one of the most frequent causes of death.

Coke consumption – whether sweetened or dieted – may be associated with accelerated brain aging and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.

You may have seen recent headlines asserting that dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are surgically-caused infections that can spread to others. You won’t get Alzheimer’s disease

You might not immediately consider peanut butter, whether it be creamy or crunchy, as a potential game-changer in Alzheimer’s disease research. A test that uses

It’s not uncommon to forget to buy bread at the grocery store, lose your car keys, or call your neighbor by the wrong name. Alzheimer’s

Stress is frequently a factor that contributes to or worsens numerous conditions ranging from psoriasis to perverse bowel patterns, maybe because it results in compromised