Why Do My Eyes Water When I Yawn? (Explained)

Why Do My Eyes Water When I Yawn? (Explained)

People often go online to look for something like, ‘why do your eyes water when you yawn? The solution is clear-cut and easy. We can’t exactly explain why we yawn, and it is an automatic motion. Sometimes yawning is enjoyable, but other times we try to stop it. For some of us, yawning often causes us to cry. The extra tears may come out when we yawn because our eyes and facial muscles constrict.

Other causes of watering eyes while yawning include dry eyes, allergies, or illnesses that affect tear production.

What Causes Eye Watering When You’re Yawning?

Although there is no universal explanation, there are a number of reasons why you might yawn and have watery eyes.

Brain Cooling

A 2013 review of studiesTrusted Source found that we still don’t have a conclusive answer as to why we yawn in the first place. One theory the researchers looked into was the idea that yawning lowers the brain’s temperature. They postulated that eye tearing might aid in removing heat from the skull.

Facial Pressure

You’ve probably noticed that your entire facial structure, including the region around your eyes, contracts when you yawn. Your eyes quickly start to water as a result of the pressure this puts on the glands responsible for producing tears.

You may be more likely to cry when you yawn if you frequently experience watery eyes in the first place.

Why Do My Eyes Water When I Yawn? (Explained)

Dry Eye Syndrome

As odd as it may sound, excessive watering of the eyes can be caused by dry eyes. When your eyes don’t produce enough high-quality lubrication to sufficiently protect your eyes, this condition is known as dry eye syndrome. Tears that are too watery are produced as a result. When you yawn, it’s not difficult for your eyes to start to water if you have dry eye syndrome.

Although it’s not always the case, you might find that you cry while yawning. This variation could be due to other factors occurring at the same time, such as:

  • Cold or dry weather
  • A breeze from fans or air conditioners
  • Irritants such as dust, fragrances, and sprays
  • Allergies
  • Conjunctivitis
  • A stye
  • Scratched cornea

Is It Normal for Eye-watering While Yawning?

Tears don’t typically start burning when you yawn or at any other time. The reason behind burning or stinging tears could be-

  • Eye allergies
  • Damaged contact lenses
  • Infection
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Blepharitis

You should see an eye doctor if you experience any other symptoms or if the burning persists for more than a few days. A professional might be able to answer, ‘why do my eyes tear up when I yawn?’ with your specific condition reference.

Does Everyone Eye-watering While Yawning?

No, a lot of people yawn without even blinking an eye. As was already mentioned, dry eyes can make you more prone to watery eyes. The production of tears may be difficult as a result, though. If you don’t typically cry a lot, you might yawn without crying as well.

There is no conclusive survey to determine the precise number of people who cry while yawning. Saying that almost everyone yawns occasionally but not always is a safe bet. Additionally, there are other elements like our physical condition and environment that are very important.

Why Do My Eyes Water When I Yawn? (Explained)

Other Things That May Cause Watery Eyes

Sometimes the eyes waterTrusted Source because they are too dry, and the body is attempting to moisturize them. Some potential causes of dry eye includeTrusted Source:

  • Eye surgery
  • Certain medications, including antihistamines, over-the-counter pain relievers, hormone therapy, and antidepressants
  • Skin conditions such as eczema and blepharitis
  • Issues with the glands that lubricate the eyes
  • Fatigue
  • Exposure to wind, dry air, or chemical irritants such as cigarette smoke
  • Allergies
  • Spending extended times in front of computer screens

Some medical conditions may also cause watery eyes, including:

  • Glaucoma
  • Infections and injuries of the eye
  • Cataracts

A detached retina, which is a medical emergency requiring prompt treatment, may be the cause of vision problems or light flashes in a person.

How Do You Stop Eye-watering When You Yawn?

It’s unlikely that there is much you can do to prevent your eyes from watering when you yawn. It might help to receive treatment for allergies, dry eye syndrome, or other eye conditions.

You can’t stop yourself from yawning either, but you might be able to reduce it by getting enough rest and getting up and moving around when you’re bored or feeling sluggish.

Other Effects of Yawning

Yawns have other effects besides just making you cry. Some other common effects include:

  • Clearing the eustachian tubes: Middle ear and throat are linked by the eustachian tubes. Yawning can help release pressure from these tubes and, in some cases, even reduce the amount of fluid inside of them. When a person is at a high altitude, this may ease pressure or help with earaches.
  • Contagion: Yawns are contagious; if you watch someone else yawn, even on camera, you’re more likely to do it yourself. Empathy of this kind is shown here. Yawns may be less contagious in people who have illnesses that affect empathy or social behavior, according to some research.
  • Closing the eyes: The majority of people yawn while briefly closing their eyes.
  • Stretching: Yawns can loosen up tense facial muscles and the jaw, which may help with pain or tension in the face. Some people also experience discomfort or a clicking in their jaws when they yawn. This could mean that the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) isn’t functioning properly.


Yawning is a common occurrence in daily life, especially when one is around other yawners. For some people, this also results in crying or watery eyes. But there is no need for treatment because this is not a disease.

Speak with a doctor to make sure there isn’t an underlying cause if someone complains of eye pain, vision changes after yawning, or dry, watery eyes that interfere with daily life.


Does Yawning Lubricate Eyes?

Your eyes probably start to water when you yawn as a result of the tightening of your facial muscles and the scrunching up of your eyes, which causes any extra tears to leak out.

When Should I Be Concerned About Excessive Yawning?

You may be fatigued, drowsy, or tired if you yawn a lot. Though it might also be a symptom of a medical condition like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or a drug reaction. It might be best to make an appointment with a doctor to find out why you are yawning excessively.

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