Numerous women develop multiple urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are fairly typical. The urethra, which is the tube through which urine exits the body, becomes infected by bacteria from the skin or rectum. Bladder infections are the most typical type of UTI, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Although it won’t necessarily treat current infections, using apple cider vinegar for UTI has the potential to stop future urinary tract infections. There is no proof, despite the fact that ACV has antibacterial and antifungal properties, that consuming it can treat or prevent urinary tract infections.
How apple cider vinegar functions and any potential effects are covered in great detail in this article.
Read more: How to Prevent UTI in the Elderly: Things You Must Know – Elder VIP
What is Apple Cider Vinegar(ACV)?
ACV is a type of vinegar created by fermenting apple cider. Similar to how all vinegar has been used in traditional folk medicine, ACV has been used to treat a wide range of ailments.
ACV has recently been promoted as a panacea. Many of these claims, however, are exaggerated and unsupported by science. Studies on ACV’s potential for managing diabetes have yielded encouraging results. Additionally, there is evidence that it promotes rat weight loss. There is little evidence for ACV’s additional applications.
Although there is evidence that vinegar has antimicrobial properties, this research has mainly focused on the use of vinegar in food preservation. There’s not yet scientific evidence to suggest that ACV can treat a UTI. But there are probably some advantages.
Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections(UTIs)
The most typical UTI symptom is burning or pain while urinating. According to the CDC, other symptoms of a UTI or bladder infection may include:
- A burning sensation while urinating
- Pain while urinating or needing to urinate
- Frequent urination
- Needing to urinate even if the bladder is empty
- Blood in the urine
- Foul-smelling urine
- Pressure or cramping in the groin or lower abdomen
If left untreated, it can spread to the kidneys and cause the following symptoms:
- Fever
- Chills
- Lower back pain
- Pain in the flanks
- Nausea
- Vomiting
In addition, older adults with complicated UTIs may experience delirium and confusion.
Use Apple Cider Vinegar for UTI? NO!
Apple Cider Vinegar Does Not Prevent UTIs
It is crucial to remember that apple cider vinegar’s effectiveness for UTIs is still debatable. While the ideas behind using apple cider vinegar for a UTI make sense, it is unclear if it actually works and if there are any real benefits to consuming apple cider vinegar for this cause.

The use of apple cider vinegar for other conditions, such as diabetes and high cholesterol, has been extensively studied. The use of apple cider vinegar for UTIs has received very little research, though.
As the acid introduced by the vinegar will balance the pH of the kidneys, some people think that apple cider vinegar will work as a UTI treatment. Yet there is no evidence to suggest that the byproducts of apple cider vinegar will ever enter the bladder.
People who have used apple cider vinegar to alleviate symptoms of their UTI have reported some success. However, it is unclear whether this improvement is attributable to the consumption of apple cider vinegar specifically or to the flushing of the system brought on by the liquid (rather than the apple cider vinegar itself).
It will be impossible to say with certainty if apple cider vinegar works as a treatment for UTIs until scientific research into the use of apple cider vinegar for UTIs is finished.
Apple Cider Vinegar Will Not Cure An Active UTI
On the back of that, it is important to note that apple cider vinegar absolutely will not cure an active You risk getting seriously ill if you try using apple cider vinegar to treat your UTI rather than seeking medical attention. So you should never use apple cider vinegar as an alternative.
If you only use apple cider vinegar to attempt to cure your If you have a urethral infection (UTI), the infection will eventually spread. If you don’t treat the infection that starts in your urethra, it will move up into your bladder and continue to spread. After the bladder, the infection may progress to the kidneys, where it may then have a chance of migrating into the bloodstream. If the infection spreads to the bloodstream then you are at serious risk of your blood becoming infected, otherwise known as sepsis.
A relatively high mortality rate infection with life-threatening potential is sepsis. Sepsis is treatable, but it can be hard to detect in the early stages, which is why so many people who get it are left fighting for their lives. So remember, apple cider vinegar will not cure your UTI.
Apple Cider Vinegar May Worsen UTI
In fact, not only will apple cider vinegar fail to cure your active UTI, but it could actually make it worse. A UTI becomes serious when it reaches your bladder, and that is when it will definitely need antibiotics to fight the infection. Drinking apple cider vinegar will actually make your UTI worse if it gets to your bladder.
It’s important to watch what you eat and drink when you have a UTI. Apple cider vinegar, coffee, and alcohol all have the potential to exacerbate your symptoms. Consuming apple cider vinegar once the infection is in your bladder can cause the acid to eat away at the mucus lining of your bladder, making symptoms worse than they were before.
Health Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar
Adding apple cider vinegar to your diet shouldn’t cause you any problems even though it won’t treat your UTI but does have a number of other potential health advantages. For information on incorporating ACV into your diet, continue reading.
Add ACV to Cranberry Juice
A glass of unsweetened cranberry juice should be mixed with 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. The most popular organic remedy for UTIs is cranberry juice. Cranberries may help prevent UTIs in people whose vaginas experience recurrent infections frequently, despite clinical trials’ findings that they cannot be used to treat or cure UTIs.
Add ACV to Green Tea
To a herbal tea with cinnamon spice, try adding 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The spices may make the taste of apple cider vinegar easier to tolerate, especially if you add a few drops of honey. Use this mixture in place of your afternoon soda or morning coffee. Caffeine-containing beverages can irritate your bladder and make your UTI symptoms worse.

Use ACV on a Salad
Mix some raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with olive oil for a delicious tart salad dressing. A teaspoon of honey can be added for a sweeter, fruitier flavor. It may not help your UTI much, but it will go well with a salad that is loaded with winter squash and root vegetables.
Final Thoughts
Although it may have a number of health advantages, apple cider vinegar does not treat UTIs. Schedule a visit with your physician if you believe you have a UTI. Your symptoms should disappear within a few days with short-term medication.
Is Vinegar Bad for Your Bladder?
Dilute vinegar can help prevent the growth of bacteria in the bladder. In the bladder, it also aids in dissolving mucus and debris, which may help prevent bladder stones and lessen the development of calcium encrustation on indwelling catheters. Your urology specialist might advise this course of treatment for you or your kid.
What Can I Drink to Clean My UTI?
Water is by far the best beverage choice for someone with a UTI. When you have an infection, drinking at least 12 8-ounce cups of water a day will help flush the bacteria from your body and hasten the healing process.