7 Tips to Cure a Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

7 Tips to Cure a Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

After a night of drinking, it is common for hangovers to be accompanied by sore throats and hoarseness.

Alcohol dries out your mouth and throat. When combined with a night of talking or yelling at loud music, this dryness can cause uncomfortable inflammation in your throat and vocal cords. Additionally, a diuretic, alcohol causes you to urinate more frequently and causes your body to lose more water. Dehydration from excessive drinking can result in nausea and dizziness.

In this article, we will examine the best treatment options for a sore throat after drinking alcohol.

Read more: Methods to Use Honey for Sore Throat – Elder VIP

Why Will You Have a Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol?

Have you ever had a sore throat after a night of drinking and partying? It isn’t a pleasant sensation, especially after drinking too much.

Various reasons contribute to the development of a sore throat after drinking:

  • Vomiting: Someone who has vomited several times after drinking might experience a sore throat. Stomach acid splashes into the throat when someone vomits. This could be painful.
  • Loud yelling, singing, and talking: Loud partying with alcohol is usual in the area, as well as loud music. Your vocal cords may become sore from the screaming and loud singing, leaving you the next morning with a hoarse voice and a sore throat.
  • The diuretic nature of alcohol: Alcohol-induced dehydration makes you urinate often, decreasing the amount of water in your body. This causes friction and dries out the mucous membranes that line your throat, resulting in a sore throat.
  • Weak immune system: The immune system is weakened by alcohol. It makes you susceptible to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections, which can lead to a sore throat.
  • Sulfite sensitivity: Wine and beer both contain sulfites. Having sulfite sensitivity can cause asthma symptoms and anaphylaxis. Sore throats can be brought on by anaphylaxis, a generalized allergic reaction.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Alcohol consumption may make flare-ups of gastroesophageal reflux disease worse. One common sign of GERD is a sore throat.
  • Alcohol intolerance: Alcohol or one of its components may be the source of an intolerance to alcohol. A runny nose or an aggravated case of pre-existing asthma can be brought on by alcohol intolerance. Your body’s reaction to alcohol intolerance can cause a sore throat.
  • Grain allergy: A grain allergy can also cause asthma and anaphylaxis. Grain alcohol can exacerbate these allergic reactions and cause a sore throat.
7 Tips to Cure a Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

7 Tips to Cure a Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

Drink Enough Water

After having a few drinks, you are advised to drink a lot of water for a reason. The American Addiction Center claims that alcohol has a diuretic effect, increasing how frequently you urinate. Alcohol can cause dehydration as a result, which can result in symptoms like a dry mouth, headache, thirst, and irritation of the throat.

Any type of dehydration, including alcohol-induced dehydration, can cause your mouth to become dry and your throat to become sore. According to the Mayo Clinic, alcohol-induced dehydration is frequently referred to as a hangover, which can also result in symptoms like fatigue, headache, poor sleep, or dizziness.

Drink Less Concentrated Wine

According to the Mayo Clinic, congeners are a class of chemicals that cause hangovers and are present in the majority of alcoholic beverages as a result of the fermentation process. Dark liquors like brandy and bourbon typically have higher concentrations of congeners, such as methanol, which can make a hangover worse.

While staying away from dark alcohol may help, lighter alcoholic beverages like vodka won’t necessarily lessen the severity of your hangovers and sore throat.

Drinking in Moderation

It’s possible for your cocktails to go back when you drink too much alcohol. According to the American Addiction Centers, drinking causes the lining of your stomach to swell and become inflamed, which can lead to irritation, nausea, and even vomiting.

Alcohol and stomach acids can cause esophageal reflux, which can cause throat irritation and burning that can linger well into the morning. In order to help you avoid unpleasant hangover effects, it’s essential to be aware of your own alcohol tolerance limits.

Keep Your Voice Down

In some cases, the environment in which alcohol is consumed can also result in a sore throat. According to Duke University Health, talking too loudly in a bar or restaurant can cause throat tightness by straining your voice or causing muscle tension. The same outcome might also result from exposure to secondhand smoke.

Refuse Carbonated Drinks

After consuming beer, do you have a sore throat? It might be carbonation.

Fizzy drinks — including beer, sparkling wine or mixed drinks — activate nerves in your nose and mouth that trigger feelings of burning or pain. According to the University of Southern California, this is why you might experience a sore throat after consuming soda infused with vodka or your preferred sparkling beverage.

7 Tips to Cure a Sore Throat After Drinking Alcohol

Use Humidifier

According to Penn Medicine, throat discomfort brought on by dry or scratchy air is a common occurrence. Combine that with a night of overindulgent drinking, and throat pain is practically inevitable. You can add some moisture to the air in your room by turning on a humidifier or taking a hot shower.

Try Throat Lozenges

Although there is no guarantee that lozenges will relieve your sore throat, they probably won’t hurt.

Over-the-counter lozenges contain ingredients that can provide pain-relieving effects in as quickly as five minutes, and they may provide relief even after the candy has dissolved, according to a January 2010 study in the ​International Journal of Clinical Practice.


After consuming alcohol, many people experience sore throats and hoarse voices in the morning. Resting, consuming tea, or using throat lozenges are a few ways to soothe a sore throat. The two best methods for minimizing hangover symptoms are staying hydrated and getting plenty of rest.

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