How to Use a Quad Cane: Is It Better Than a Regular Can?

How to Use a Quad Cane: It is Better Than a Regular Can?

What is a quad cane, and how can your physical therapist assist you in using one to walk? How is it different from a regular cane?

A quad cane is a mobility device that assists with walking and mobility. It resembles a regular cane but differs in that it has a metal base with four tiny feet on the bottom. These feet have rubber caps that help reduce slippage on the floor. A small button allows for adjustment of the quad cane, which is typically made of lightweight aluminum.

The benefits of the quad cane and how it differs from a regular cane are discussed in this article.

What is a Quad Cane?

A quad cane is a mobility device that aids walking and mobility. It resembles a standard cane, but instead of having four wooden feet, it has a metal base on the bottom. Rubber caps on these feet help prevent floor slipping. Most quad canes are made of lightweight aluminum and have an adjustable push button.

Occasionally after illness or injury, one or both of your legs may be weak. The inability to walk normally could be caused by this weakness. Your balance may alter if you spend a lot of time lying still or resting in bed. 1A quad cane helps provide extra support to allow you to walk independently and safely.

An advantage of a quad cane is that it provides good stability. Quad canes can also be used on stairs, unlike a standard or wheeled walker. A quad cane can be placed next to you while you’re seated and won’t topple over. Don’t use the quad cane to get out of the chair when getting up from a seat because it might topple over. Grab the handle after you stand up.

There are basically two types of quad canes: wide and narrow base quad canes. The base of wide base quad canes (WBQC) has a larger area to which the four legs are attached. This helps provide more support and improved stability while walking. Wide base quad canes are heavier and might be more challenging to control. The base of a narrow base quad cane (NBQC) is smaller and has no legs. Even though it offers less support than a quad cane with a wide base, it is simpler to lift and move around with while walking.

What is a Regular Cane?

Regular canes are the type most people think of first. This type of cane isn’t intended to be weight-bearing, though – it’s really just a balance aid. Instead of using a cane, individuals who require a weight-bearing support should really use a walker.

For occasional, limited support, try an offset cane which has an angle in the handle. Your weight is placed over the cane’s axis in this bend.

For example, someone with an arthritic knee might use an offset cane when walking in case their knee buckles or “gives out” on occasion. They will receive some support from this kind of cane for a few steps until their knee stabilizes.

The cane tips are tightly fitted, so they won’t fall off while you walk. This indicates that you might need to warm the tip where it connects the cane in order to loosen it. Additionally, you might need to break the suction between the cane handle and the tip with a bobby pin before the tip comes off.

How to Use a Quad Cane: It is Better Than a Regular Can?

How to Use a Quad Cane?

Use a Quad Cane on Ground

Follow these easy instructions to walk while using a quad cane.

  • With one hand, hold the cane. If one leg is weak, hold the cane in the hand opposite the weak leg.
  • Bring the quad cane forward about an arm’s length. To prevent tipping, make sure the quad cane’s four legs are firmly planted on the ground.
  • Step forward with the weak leg.
  • Gently press down into the handle of the quad cane with your hand to help with stability. Just a little bit beyond the first foot, extend your other leg.
  • Repeat this cycle.

Be sure your PT helps you set your quad cane up and avoid common mistakes that some folks make when walking with a cane.

Use a Quad Cane on Stairs

There are certain steps to know on how to use a quad cane on staircases. The same amount of practice is needed to climb or descend stairs with a quad cane, just as it is to learn to walk with one.

  • Use the unaffected (or strongest) leg to step up onto the first stair step. Use your strong right leg to take the lead if, for instance, your left leg is weak.
  • Next, simultaneously move the affected (weaker) leg and the quad cane to the same stair step you are standing on.
  • Repeat this pattern for each stair step

When coming down the stairs, it is the reverse – lead with your weaker leg:

  • Stand on the stronger (unaffected) leg. Put weight on your stronger leg, which in this case would be your right leg.
  • Move the cane down to the next step below you
  • Then move the affected leg down to the step the cane is now balancing on
  • Finally, descend using the stronger (unaffected) leg. Both legs and the cane should now all be on the same stair step
  • Continue doing so until you reach the bottom, one step at a time.

Reminders for Using a Quad Cane

That being said, there are disadvantages to quad canes:

  • A large base quad cane can be a tripping hazard. The wide base makes it simpler to tangle your feet up, which could cause you to fall. If the person requires more support than a regular cane can provide but not as much as a large base can, a small base or a standard cane with a quad-tip may be less problematic.
  • You cannot move as quickly while using a quad cane due to its wide base.
  • A large base quad cane is generally heavier than other canes. If a small base quad cane or a standard cane with a quad tip will suit their needs, frailer seniors will fare better with them.
  • If a person needs to use stairs, they cannot use a large base quad cane because they won’t fit on the stair treads. To fit on stairs, the cane’s base should measure no more than about 6″ x 8″ inches or it won’t fit on the steps. Be sure to measure the stairs before you buy a cane to ensure the cane will work for your loved one!


If you are sick or injured, you could experience weakness or balance issues that make it difficult for you to walk. A quad cane is a great aid for ensuring that you can walk independently and safely.


When Should You Recommend a Quad Cane?

Quad base: The quad cane, with its four-pronged base, is for those who need a wider base of support for balance. “It offers a little more stability on that side,” says Palm. “For instance, someone who needs to be able to lean further in that direction to clear their leg after having a stroke.” But there is a cost involved.

What is the Best Cane for Knee Problems?

Those who have arthritis typically only require single-point canes. Those with a neurological impairment, significant weaknesses or balance limitations are best suited to quad canes, because they can handle more weight. When getting fitted, stand tall with your arms at your sides and wear your walking shoes.

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