How to Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation? (Solved)

How to Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation? (Solved)

No matter how well you keep your feet warm, are they ever cold? The onset of winter has many of us feeling the chill as the temperature drops further. There are ways to keep your feet warm all season long, even though it may seem like a constant battle. But how?

The fact is that poor circulation is a big factor in why you get cold feet. See this article to find out how to warm up your feet and improve the poor blood circulation in your feet.

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Why Your Feet Are Cold?

When your feet are colder than the rest of your body, you will experience foot discomfort. Particularly if you live in a cooler climate, having cold feet is common. Poor circulation may be indicated by cold feet. In addition to identifying and treating the root cause of your cold feet, wearing warm socks can help treat them.

When the temperature in your environment drops, you may experience symptoms of cold feet that come and go or occur frequently. Symptoms could include:

  • In comparison to the rest of your body, your feet are cooler.
  • Your feet and toes are slightly throbbing with pain.
  • When exposed to cold temperatures, your feet take longer to warm up.
  • Your body is one color, but your feet are another (pale, red, blue, or purple).
  • You get cold feet at certain times of the day, like at night.

Poor blood flow (circulation) in your legs and feet causes cold feet. It takes longer for the blood to get to your feet when there is poor blood circulation.

How to Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation? (Solved)

Your circulatory system contains pathways (blood vessels) through which your blood flows. These pathways can close, harden and narrow, making it difficult for blood to flow steadily. The flow of your blood slows down when your pathways are blocked or constrained, much like liquid pouring through a funnel. The funnel can accommodate a lot of liquid, but as it narrows, the flow of liquid is slowed down. Cold feet are a result of this blood flow sluggishness.

Why Are You Poor Circulation?

Circulation problems can result from plaque buildup, blood clots, or constricted blood vessels. Your body struggles to efficiently send blood to every part of your body when obstacles or congested areas impede blood flow. Healthy eating and exercise can help.

Conditions that reduce your blood flow can give you bad circulation, such as:

  • Smoking: Chemicals can harm your blood vessels and increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • High blood pressure: Your blood vessel walls may become weaker when it is pushing vigorously against them. Blood cannot flow through them as easily as a result.
  • Atherosclerosis: Plaque (which contains fat and cholesterol) piles up inside your arteries, limiting blood flow.
  • Diabetes: Blood vessels can suffer if you have too much glucose in your system.
  • Deep vein thrombosis: Blood flow in your leg is reduced as a result of a blood clot your body forms there.

How to Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation?

Increase Blood Circulation

This season, keep your body moving to combat poor circulation. If your job requires more sitting and less moving around, make a conscious effort to stand up for at least two hours each day and up your exercise routine on a weekly basis.

Smoking can also cause circulation problems, so why not make it a new year’s resolution to cut out this dangerous habit?

Foot Baths

Soaking your feet in a warm footbath is one of the quickest ways to warm up your cold feet.

To keep fresh blood flowing to the feet throughout the day, fill a bathtub or basin with warm water and soak the feet for 10 to 15 minutes. Since it can also help to relax the muscles and relieve stress, this might be especially useful right before bed.

As they might not be able to tell if the water is too hot or not, people with diabetic nerve damage should refrain from using hot water to warm their feet. Inadvertent burns may result from this.

Compression Socks

If you have poor circulation, compression socks are a great option. Your legs’ blood circulation is improved by compression socks.

Your feet will receive more blood flow, as I already mentioned, the more circulation there is! This company makes socks for not only cold weather but for lounging around your house, running errands and working out.

The socks also assert that they prevent swelling and fatigue! To me, that sounds really cool. This pair of socks is available in a wide range of hues and designs.

The Perfect Boot Fit

Make sure the boots you choose for your upcoming winter excursion aren’t too tight. As I mentioned earlier, you want plenty of room around your foot to encourage circulation.

You will reduce circulation if your socks are too thick inside your boot. Try to keep that away from us!

How to Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation? (Solved)

Heat Holders

Heat Holders are the go-to sock for a lot of people who suffer from poor circulation. Acrylic, nylon, polyester, and elastane are among the synthetic materials used exclusively in the creation of socks. This blend claims to be three times warmer than a regular pair of thermal socks.

The socks’ creator claims that they are made with special yarn and loops that trap warm air and keep your feet warm no matter what you’re doing. These socks are recommended by those who have poor circulation.

Final Thoughts

Due to poor circulation, experiencing occasional cold feet is completely normal. Although treating the underlying cause should help the foot return to a more comfortable temperature, persistent symptoms may need to be discussed with a doctor. Additionally, taking prompt action can help your feet warm up more quickly. Examples include donning thick socks or soaking your feet in hot water.


Should I Worry About My Cold Feet?

If you have cold feet all the time, it’s important to seek medical attention. If you notice that only one foot feels cold easily, be sure to let your doctor know. This might be an indication of peripheral vascular disease (PVD, also called peripheral artery disease or PAD).

What Deficiency Causes Cold Feet?

Cold hands and feet can be a result of iron deficiency anemia. Because they don’t have enough red blood cells to oxygenate their tissue, people with anemia have poor blood circulation throughout their bodies.

Read More about Poor Circulation

Read More
What Causes Poor Circulation: How to Fix It?

What Causes Poor Circulation: How to Fix It?

Plaque buildup, blood clots, or narrowed blood vessels can lead to poor circulation.
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