How Much is Ambulance Ride With Insurance?(Answered)

How Much is Ambulance Ride With Insurance?(Answered)

According to one study, the average cost of an ambulance between 2017 and 2020 will increase by 22 percent to $1,277, excluding insurance or discounts. Even with insurance, an ambulance ride can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. After a car accident, you are allowed to decline ambulance service. But be aware that some serious injuries – such as head injuries or internal bleeding – may not be immediately apparent, but may be risky if left untreated.

We examine how ambulance expenses are divided in more detail below.

How Much is An Ambulance Ride With Insurance?

Before we discuss the cost of the ambulance ride, let’s look at how the cost of the ambulance is determined.

How Are Ambulance Fees Calculated?

Some medical services, like physical examinations, are flat-rate billed, which means you pay a set amount for the entire service. The price of an ambulance ride is not fixed, but rather variable, so it may turn out to be reasonably priced or quite pricey.

In general, ambulances typically charge based primarily on the number of loaded miles during your trip. When the ambulance is loaded, a mile is considered to have been traveling while you are being transported; typically, the miles traveled to pick you up are not included in your total. Your ambulance fee would be $1,050, for instance, if the cost per loaded mile was $100 and you were transported 10.5 miles.

Occasionally, ambulance services will also charge for medical services like giving out oxygen. Overall, ambulance fees have increased significantly over the last five years, and billing procedures vary from company to company.

How Much is Ambulance Ride With Insurance?(Answered)

What’s the Average Cost of An Ambulance Ride?

In recent years, the price of ambulance services has steadily risen. The list price (before insurance or discounts) of an ambulance ride rose 22% — to more than $1,277 — between 2017 and 2020, according to a report from data nonprofit organization Fair Health.

Private insurers’ average payments, or “allowed amounts,” are up 56% — to $758 from $486 — during the same timeframe, the study found. Private insurance holders contribute to the price that insurers haggle with service providers.

The average Medicare payment for the same kind of ambulance services increased slowly, by about 5%, from $441 in 2017 to $463 in 2020. Mileage charges were not included in the calculations.

How Much is An Ambulance Ride Without Insurance?

Without insurance, you won’t have the financial security of negotiated rates, which means you’ll probably have to pay the full amount. Depending on the following factors, ambulance rides can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars.

According to a Fair Health estimate, a person without health insurance in Long Island City, New York, would have to pay $1,525 for advanced life support emergency transport and an electrocardiogram while traveling to the hospital. If you have insurance, the price drops to $730.

There might be payment plans or financial assistance programs offered by ambulance companies. To prevent spiraling issues with medical debt, make sure to ask right away or to bargain.

What Influences Ambulance Costs?

How much an ambulance ride costs depends on factors such as:

  • If you had health insurance at the time of the emergency, or if you’re under or uninsured
  • Who owns the ambulance that responded to your call and whether it’s for profit, nonprofit, or government
  • If the ambulance service is in your health plan’s network (Many are not)
  • If you’re insured, whether the ambulance company chooses to “balance bill” you for the difference in what your insurance doesn’t cover
  • If the transport was considered an emergency or non-emergency
  • How far the ambulance traveled (mileage)
  • Whether you received basic life support (BLS) or advanced life support (ALS), a higher level of care
  • How many and what kind of supplies they used
  • How many services the emergency medical technicians (EMTs), firefighters, or paramedics performed on you
How Much is Ambulance Ride With Insurance?(Answered)

What to Do When You Get An Ambulance Bill?

Typically, ambulance bills are sent directly to your insurance provider, and you get your insurance provider’s paperwork rather than that of the actual ambulance service.

In the case that you were unable to provide your insurance information to the ambulance company, you may receive an ambulance bill in the mail. If this occurs to you, speak with your insurance provider for more information on what to do since different providers may handle the process in different ways depending on the state.

There are a few ways you might be able to lower an ambulance bill if you don’t have insurance in order to make it easier to pay.

  • In order to make sure you aren’t being overcharged for any services, request an itemized version of the bill.
  • Haggle with the ambulance company if you notice certain services are billed higher than expected. For an understanding of general ambulance costs, see the above section titled “How much does an ambulance ride cost without insurance?”.
  • If a long period of time has gone by without paying the bill, you may be able to settle with the ambulance company for a lesser amount, either with your own negotiation skills or with the help of a qualified lawyer.


Ambulances can be costly, both with and without health insurance. The amount of care needed and the distance traveled are just two of the many variables that can affect how much ambulance costs. Ask the ambulance service or agency about financial assistance or payment plan options if you receive a sizable bill that you are unable to pay.


When Should You Call An Ambulance, and When is It Safe to Drive to the ER?

It can be tempting to drive yourself or a loved one to the ER because ambulance costs are expensive and unpredictable, even with insurance. Or, to save money, you might think about calling a rideshare driver like Uber or Lyft. In non-emergency situations, this might make sense.

How Much is An Ambulance in Japan?

It is important to note that using an ambulance in Japan is free of charge, even for international visitors. Don’t be afraid to use it if you ever need emergency medical care or if someone else needs to call an ambulance for you. You won’t be charged.

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