How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia Without Surgery? (3 Easy Ways)

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia Without Surgery? (3 Ways)

Gynecomastia (sometimes colloquially called “man boobs”) happens when an individual grows breasts without the typical balance of hormones meant to grow functional mammary glands and the associated fat surrounding increased breast gland tissue. You may want to know how to get rid of Gynecomastia without surgery.

As we examine gynecomastia’s potential causes and treatment options in more detail, please continue reading.

Causes of Gynecomastia

The following factors may cause a hormonal imbalance in those with penises who would not typically develop gynecomastia.


Beginning around the age of 30, testosterone naturally decreases as you age. Studies of men over 65 years have found that gynecomastia usually appears due to lower testosterone levels. Other studies have found that 24 to 65 percent of men between the ages of 50 to 80 have gynecomastia.

Additionally, older men with penises are more likely to be taking medications that have the potential for causing gynecomastia as a side effect.

High Percentage of Body Fat

At any weight, having a high body fat percentage overall can result in more fat being stored around the chest. Estrogen levels are also correlated with body fat percentage.

The main tissue where the enzyme aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen is fat tissue. About 85 percent of the estrogen in the body of a person with a penis comes from the activity of this enzyme.

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia Without Surgery? (3 Ways)

Drugs and Medications

About 20 percent of cases of gynecomastia are caused by drugs or medications.

Some medications either mimic estrogen, boost estrogen production or give your body substances like testosterone that can be converted to estrogen. For unknown reasons, other types of drugs cause the development of gynecomastia.

Use of the following is linked to gynecomastia:

  • Alcohol
  • Drugs such as heroin, methadone, and amphetamines
  • Anabolic steroids
  • Some medications used to treat HIV
  • Some antihypertensive medications
  • Some psychoactive drugs such as antipsychotics

Health Conditions

The development of extra breast tissue may be influenced by medical conditions that alter testosterone and estrogen levels. Some of these conditions include:

  • Trauma, tumors, or disease of the testes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Malnutrition
  • Tumors of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus
  • Klinefelter syndrome

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How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia Without Surgery?

Change Diet Habits

If your doctor advises it, up the amount of iodine you consume. For the thyroid to produce hormones, iodine is required. Increasing your intake of iodine may be beneficial because gynecomastia frequently results from a hormonal imbalance. However, it’s always a good idea to have your doctor check your iodine level first.

To stop a drop in testosterone, eat enough to keep a healthy weight. Your testosterone levels may fall relative to your estrogen levels if you are following a calorie-restricted diet. Gynecomastia may then appear as a result. Make sure you consume the appropriate number of calories for your age. Although it can vary depending on your age and level of activity, the average man needs about 2,500 calories per day to maintain their weight.

To keep your hormones in check, limit your alcohol consumption. Your body’s hormone balance can be impacted by alcohol. If you can, avoid drinking alcohol altogether. Otherwise, limit your consumption to one to two drinks per day, at most.

Change Lifestyle

Ask your physician if gynecomastia is a possible side effect of your prescription drugs. Gynecomastia is a side effect of some medications. Even though it’s not a good idea to abruptly stop taking your medications, your doctor might be able to switch you to a different medication that won’t give you this issue.

Lose weight if you are obese. Gynecomastia and obesity are strongly linked. Gynecomastia has an 80% chance of developing in people with BMIs greater than 25 kg/m. Aim to exercise for 150 minutes each week in addition to following a healthy diet. Gynecomastia can be diminished and weight lost, especially with aerobic exercise.

Avoid using illegal drugs. Your risk of developing gynecomastia may increase if you use a variety of illegal drugs or drugs in illegal ways. Heroin, marijuana, steroids, and amphetamines are a few drugs that could be problematic.

After any medical issues have been resolved, consider plastic surgery. You may think about having the extra tissue removed through plastic surgery if there is no medical reason for your gynecomastia. Men are now more likely than ever to undergo plastic surgery, so it is a routine procedure.

Seek for Doctor’s Help

To rule out any potential medical issues, speak with your doctor. In order to more effectively treat your symptoms, your doctor can identify the underlying cause of your gynecomastia. Given that some illnesses can lead to gynecomastia, it’s critical that you get the proper care under a doctor’s guidance. You can select the most appropriate course of treatment after your doctor determines the underlying cause of your condition.

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia Without Surgery? (3 Ways)

Exercise Tips for Gynecomastia

It is untrue that working out a specific area of your body causes you to lose more fat there than in other places.

For instance, performing pushups won’t cause you to burn off more calories from your chest than performing squats, which will.

Your overall body fat percentage can be decreased by increasing the amount of aerobic activity in your workout routine. Exercise’s length, intensity, and duration are more crucial than its type.

Some ideas include:

  • Brisk walking
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Skating
  • Dancing
  • Rowing
  • Skipping

A great exercise you can do without any equipment is pushups to develop your chest muscles. To gradually make exercises harder, you can increase your reps, sets, or weight.


A hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone is a common contributor to gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can be brought on by a variety of conditions, including unhealthy lifestyle choices, underlying illnesses, the aging process, and some medications. By focusing on the root cause, gynecomastia can be treated. Often, changing your diet and exercise routines can help.


Can Gynecomastia Go Away Naturally?

Gynecomastia must be distinguished from breast enlargement brought on by fat deposits that is common in overweight men. The condition often goes away on its own, but treatments are available for severe or persistent cases.

How Long Until Gyno is Permanent?

Gynecomastia is most common during puberty. Without any kind of treatment, the condition typically gets better on its own. This may take from 6 months to 2 or 3 years. You might have to stop taking the medication if it’s the cause of your breast enlargement.

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