You could be qualified for disability benefits if your psoriatic arthritis symptoms interfere with your ability to perform your job duties. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is
Author: Yvette Brown

It’s possible that you take pleasure in manipulating, cracking, or adjusting your back. But does a cracked back lead to arthritis? Let’s find out! Cracking

According to a recent study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, going vegan can significantly reduce the pain and inflammation linked to rheumatoid

It’s never enjoyable when a sandwich bite or soup sip triggers a sprinkler system in your nose. Suddenly, you need to grab a napkin to
The best can openers for seniors offer assistance in the kitchen when muscle weakness, pain, and stiffness brought on by arthritis start to interfere with

Here, we examine why it might be a good idea to stop an elderly parent from giving away money as well as how to do

When do a will’s beneficiaries receive notice that they are included? Visit this page to learn more about beneficiary notification and last wills and testaments.

Elder abuse is believed to be widely under-reported. Only one out of every fourteen instances of elder abuse, according to the National Center on Elder

What happens if you are accused of elder abuse? It can be perplexing and even upsetting to hear such an accusation. Fortunately, you can take precautions to safeguard yourself and clear your name.

You’re probably asking “what are the best adult diapers?” if you care for someone with urinary incontinence or bowel incontinence. The top adult diapers are

Learn more about adult diaper rash and the actions you can take to treat and prevent it so you can look out for your loved

This article will provide some advice regarding siblings’ post-parental death rights. A parent’s death can be emotionally taxing, especially if it was unexpected. If there

The best nine shower grab bars are listed below to help you and your elderly stay safe and comfortable while using the bathroom. Safety in the

This short guide will discuss how frequently senior check-ins should be performed so that you can be certain that your loved one is receiving the

In the US, atrial fibrillation affects up to 6 million people and is responsible for 130,000 annual fatalities, many of which are strokes. We’ll go

Why does a person who is dying look up at the ceiling? The sense of control that people feel after they pass away, according to

There are many reasons why people find comfort in cracking their knuckles, including anxiety, restlessness, or just pure pleasure. What about arthritis, though? The quick

You’ve probably thought about visiting a chiropractor if you’ve experienced back pain or a stiff neck, whether due to arthritis or an injury. In this