Can You Get Arthritis In Your 20s?

Have you ever met any individual in their 20s who says, “I’m too young to feel this old”? It can appear bizarre because younger generations are said to be extra full of life and youthful. However, there are many younger adults that experience the painful symptoms of arthritis; yes, even in their 20s. In this article, we will talk about some basic information about arthritis among young adults.

Can you get arthritis in your 20s

Although osteoarthritis( OA), the most common type of arthritis, is generally associated with aged people, you can get this arthritis in your 20s.

Arthritis refers to any disease or pain that affects the joints. In particular, osteoarthritis is a degenerative common disease that wears down common cartilage, damaging the bones, fat, and connective apkins of the joint. This disease develops gradationally and generally worsens over time, causing symptoms similar as pain, stiffness, and dropped mobility

Types of arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis Trusted Source( RA) is an autoimmune complaint. This means it causes the vulnerable system to attack healthy tissue, generally in the joints and occasionally in the organs. It can affect multiple joints and a person’s overall health. Because it’s an autoimmune complaint, RA also affects young adults. A 2018 study of840 people,,568 of whom had RA, linked RA as an independent threat factor for certain conditions. It stated that young adults with RA may have an increased threat of cerebrovascular conditions( CVD), similar to stroke and coronary roadway disease and that the threat of CVD or coronary roadway complaint was2.35 times more advanced in young adults with RA.


Osteoarthritis (OA)Trusted Source, the most common kind of arthritis, effects by gradual wear and tear on the cartilage-cushioning joints. Anything that will increase wear and tear on the joints, such as high-impact sports activities or having extra weight, may also make a person hazard for OA. This applies to both older and young adults.

Because it occurs due to gradual put on the joints, OA is greater frequent in older adults. A 2020 assessment of 88 research found a global occurrence of knee OA of 16%Trusted Source among people over the age of 15 years and 22.9% among people over the age of forty years.

Juvenile arthritis

Juvenile arthritis is arthritis that appears during childhood. It comes in numerous forms, but the most common is juvenile idiopathic arthritis, which is a type of RA.

Although juvenile arthritis occasionally goes down on its own, it may persist into the majority.

A 2020 population-grounded study followed Norwegians with juvenile arthritis for 18 years. At the end of the study, 46Trusted Source still had active arthritis, and utmost people still demanded to take medication. Just 33 achieved absolution without disease-modifying drugs.


Gout Trusted Source is a type of inflammatory arthritis. It occurs when there is too much uric acid, a waste product, in the body. Certain clinical conditions, such as kidney failure and heart failure, can expand a person’s risk of growing it.

While gout is more frequent in older people, it can also take place in younger adults.

2019 find out discovered that from 2015 to 2016, 3.2%Trusted Source of American adults experienced gout. It advised that gout may additionally be a greater serious risk aspect of negative heart fitness in people under forty years old.

Symptoms and Treatments

The symptoms of arthritis range depending on the type. Across arthritis types, though, the hallmark is chronic pain, especially in the joints.

Some other symptoms include Trusted Source:

  • pain, swelling, or redness near a joint
  • mobility problems
  • tension near a joint
  • fatigue (lack of energy) or weakness
  • depression
  • fever

There is no treatment for arthritis. Instead, the cure focuses on lowering irritation and ache management.

Treatment relies upon the type of arthritis a person has. For example, tablets to minimize uric acid may also assist relieve the pain of gout. In general, though, therapy picks include Trusted Sources:

  • Lifestyle changes Some changes, similar to quitting smoking, exclude factors that make arthritis worse. Reaching a moderate weight can decrease stress on the joints, while eating a healthy and balanced diet may ease inflammation.
  • Anti-inflammatory and non-opioid specifics These can help with flare-ups and ease the pain.
  • Disease-modifying drugs These are medicines that can reduce inflammation and decelerate the progression of arthritis.
  • Exercise This can help ease the pain of arthritis. Some people find that physical remedy helps them find new and healthy ways to move their bodies.

Risk factors and prevalence

Arthritis is a common disease, and it affects roughly 1 in 4 AmericansTrusted Source. OA, caused by wear and tear on the joints, is the most common trusted Source form.

Although arthritis is less common in young adults, its frequency is increasing. Athletes may be more likely rested Source to get OA at a young age because of the implicit damage to their joints.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention( CDC) report that between 2013 and 2015,7.1 Trusted Source of people between the ages of 18 – 44 years old had some type of arthritis. This is a large age bracket, but it does indicate that nearly 1 in 14 people under 45 years old have arthritis. Considering arthritis is a condition frequently associated with advanced age, this is a significant number.

Young adults should be aware of factors that may increase their likelihood of developing arthritis.

Some prevalent risk factors include Trusted Sources:

Gender Most types of arthritis, including OA and RA, are more common in women. But gout is more common in men.

Genetics A person may have a higher threat of arthritis if other people in their family have the disease.

Smoking Smoking increases the threat of RA, and it can worsen symptoms in people with arthritis.

Repetitious motions Movements that strain the joints, especially the knee joint, can damage them over time. This can cause OA. Certain occupations, especially ones taking people to be on their bases all day, increase a person’s threat of arthritis.

Infections Certain infections may damage the joints and increase the threat of arthritis.

Having redundant weight or obesity Carrying redundant weight strains the joints, potentially damaging them over time.

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